Roti is a staple of our cuisine as is bread. This particular one called Sada Roti is generally used with breakfast or as a replacement for bread in a sandwich.
It is soft, has body (unlike pita bread or naan) and is lightly charred on the outside because it's finished directly over an open flame.
It is also the easiest to make even though it takes skill to get the roti to stay soft for hours.
This recipe can also be used to make gluten free dhalpuri roti. I have not yet included my recipe for the dhal filling but I've placed a few links to non gf recipes that you can follow to make it. Follow the sada roti recipe below but rest the dough for 45 minutes or more. You do not have to shape the dough into balls and rest again.
When the dhal is seasoned, cook in a skillet on a low heat (patching), to remove most of the moisture. Cook until the dhal is grainy and somewhat dry (unlike when you are making regular non gf dhalpuri). Moist dhal will weaken the dough and will make it difficult to roll out and easy to tear.
Pinch off pieces of the dough and work with one at a time. Fill, seal, roll out and cook the roti immediately. Do not let them rest as this will weaken the dough making it troublesome to roll out.
Recipe link suggestions for the dhal filling:
Option 1 (use for the dhal filling)
Option 2 (use for the dhal filling)
Option 3 (use for the dhal filling)
If you have questions message me, I will help wherever possible.

Gluten Free and Vegan Sada Roti Recipe
You can use this recipe to make gluten free dhalpuri roti. Recipe link suggestions for the dhal filling only, follow the recipe here for the roti dough:
2 cups Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Homemade Wonderful Bread Mix*
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp instant yeast
½ tsp sugar (optional but helps with the taste)
¼ cup vegetable oil
¾ - 1 cup warm water (or more)
tapioca flour for dusting (any other finely ground GF flour or starch will work)
oil for shaping dough
*This particular blend of flour yields the best result for making gluten free roti. If you are using an alternate blend, one that woks for bread is best. If your blend does not contain xanthan gum add 1tsp to the recipe
Note- As an alternative
(this ratio can be used with a grain of your choice)
Reduce the Wonderful Bread Mix to 1 3/4 cups
Add 1/4 cup of buckwheat flour
Add 1/2 tbsp chia seeds
Proceed with the recipe as written
Combine the bread mix and the baking powder. Sift into a bowl. Add the sugar and yeast to the sifted flour blend, mix to combine
Add the oil and ¾ cup of the warm water. Either by hand or with a mixer knead the dough until it holds together and is fairly smooth. The dough should be sticky but not stiff, nothing like regular roti dough which is drier and very smooth. Add more water, a little at a time to achieve the right consistency, you may need more water than is specified in the recipe. The more water you can add before the dough becomes impossible to handle the better. Working with wet or oiled hands will help. Leave the dough to rest for about 15 minutes
Lightly flour your work surface, I use a silpat mat but parchment paper is an option. With wet hands pinch off pieces of dough to form 6 balls. It may be best to work with smaller pieces until you get accustomed to working with gluten free dough.
Knead and roll the dough lightly around on the floured surface to form a smooth ball. Use a light touch and as little flour as possible. Add a little oil to the palm of your hands and rub over the ball of dough. Set aside on a greased surface or bowl. Repeat the process with the remaining pieces of dough. Cover the rounds with oiled plastic wrap and a warm tea cloth. Leave to rest for at least ½ hour
Once the dough has rested, heat a tawa to moderate. Just before cooking the first roti, you can “season” the tawa by spreading a thin coating of oil, wipe away excess with a paper towel. This should be the only time you need to do that. Your roti will not cook properly if the tawa is not pre-heated
Keeping the remaining pieces covered, on a lightly floured surface gently roll out one of the dough balls to about ½ inch thick. Turn the dough occasionally and add a little flour at a time to prevent the dough from sticking to the surface or tearing. I use the silpat mat (or parchment paper) to flip the roti unto the palm of my hands instead of picking it up.
Place the roti on the tawa to cook. Small bubbles will appear and the edges of the roti will set. The roti will not colour as richly as it's wheat based relative. Once the edges are set and the roti has pulled away from the tawa, flip and cook the other side. If you are familiar with making traditional sada, you can try swelling the roti directly over the flame of a gas range (I have done this successfully on a coil surface electric range). Alternately place the cooked roti on a plate, cover with a tea cloth and microwave for about 10 seconds to swell the roti.
To make dhalpuri fill a piece of dough with the seasoned dhal. Seal to close then roll out , making sure to spread the dhal evenly throughout the roti. Cook on the tawa, brush each side lightly with oil.
Once the roti has finished cooking stack on a plate, place a piece of parchment paper between each roti to prevent them from sticking together. Cover the roti as you stack with a warm tea towel or two.
The roti is best served warm. To store wrap and freeze immediately as it's cooled. Reheat and serve at once.

Anyone in the UK tried this with Dove’s GF bread mix? For those in the UK with induction cooking hobs how do you get your roti to rise?